We’re Relaunching, Jane’s Journal, the Official Blog for This is Jane Project!

Dear Readers,

I am thrilled to announce the relaunch of Jane’s Journal, the official blog of This is Jane Project (TIJP). This blog will be a space where we share journeys of hope and healing with alternative medicines. I hope you will find it both educating and empowering.  

This first blog will inform you of the current status of TIJP, our incredible impact thus far, as well as updates on our leadership team. 

In 2023, TIJP reached a monumental milestone by serving over 1,000 Janes through our three trauma-informed programs: Survivors Without Access (SWA), Healing Happy Hour (HHH), and HEARTs Healing Arts (HEARTs). Each program has played a crucial role in providing support, empowerment, and healing to women and non-binary trauma survivors.

Our community came together in powerful and uplifting ways through 12 Healing Happy Hour events, where Janes found solace, shared their stories, and embarked on their healing journey collectively. Additionally, our Survivors Without Access compassion events in Denver, CO, and Los Angeles, CA served over 500 Janes and facilitated the compliant donation of over 25,000 units of medicinal cannabis. Further, we hosted 4 HEARTs Healing Arts events, bringing Janes from across the country together virtually, engaging in trauma-informed art workshops. 

It is imperative to note the growth and expansion of our organization would not be possible without the dedication and passion of our remarkable team of volunteers, who worked tirelessly to make each event and program a success. This year we celebrated our two volunteers of the year, Parker Jesse Chase and Mariela Canabal. Thank you to ALL of our dedicated volunteers. We could not do this work without you! 

TIJP also took significant steps to enhance its capabilities and impact in 2023. Establishing the Information Services Committee marked a crucial initiative to collect essential data, enabling us to make informed decisions and better fulfill our mission to shed light, build community, and uplift the lives of women and non-binary trauma survivors.

A pivotal moment in our journey was the inaugural TIJP board and staff retreat, where we collaboratively developed a comprehensive two-year strategic plan. This plan prioritizes data-driven decision-making, ensuring our efforts are focused and impactful as we continue to grow. The relaunch of Jane’s Journal is one activation of our plan’s initiatives.

I am also excited to announce the diversification of our board, welcoming five esteemed individuals: Dr. Gregory Canillas as Executive Board President, Ronni Eloff as Executive Board Secretary, Dr. Chris Scaglione, Dr. Emir Costello, and Michelle Miller as valuable board members. Their expertise and commitment will undoubtedly strengthen TIJP as we navigate the path ahead.

TIJP has also forged meaningful partnerships with Curaleaf’s Rooted in Good program, providing crucial funding of $150,000 to This is Jane Project. Additionally, we were honored to be the recipient of a $10,000 grant from the Wana Foundation, which further supports our mission to make a positive impact on the lives of women and non-binary trauma survivors.

As we eagerly anticipate the opportunities and challenges of 2024, we invite you to join us in making a tax-deductible donation to This is Jane Project. With your continued support, we can build on the past year’s successes and continue to shed light, build community, and uplift the lives of survivors.

The steadfast support of our community has been instrumental in making all of this possible, and we are grateful for your commitment to our mission.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey and we hope that you have enjoyed reading Jane’s Journal. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a world where survivors find strength, support, and healing.

In Healing, 

Shannon DeGrooms 


Jane's Journal, Letter from ED

Shannon DeGrooms

Shannon is a survivor, activist, freelance writer at the intersection of cannabis and social justice, and Executive Director of This is Jane Project, a 501(c)3 that sheds light, builds community, and uplifts the lives of women and non-binary trauma survivors. After finding significant relief from her own PTSD using plant medicine, Shannon set out to destigmatize medicinal cannabis consumption through various forms of storytelling in 2017.


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This is Jane Project

2355 Westwood Blvd. #838
Los Angeles, CA 90064